As we approach the end of 2018, you’ll be happy to learn the CVA Governance process is progressing well and the member consultation phase, as outlined in the 13 Nov newsletter21 Nov newsletter, and in the website announcment has been successfully completed. In-person member consultation meetings allowed for a comprehensive and successful broad member feedback. With this positive review closure the final Governance report is published here.

The next implementation step involves converting the conclusions and recommendations from the final Governance report into tangible results by updating the existing CVA Articles of Association (CVA_AA), Code of Conduct (CoC) as well as creating new organisational rules (Org. Rules). Again, CVA membership review and feedback of these documents by 31 December is imperative and will take place in the second half of December 2018. Later communication to members will follow relating to how this point. 

Milestones completed:

  • 13 Nov – 23 Nov, 2018:  Draft Governance Report, member consultation phase, publish to all members​
  • 16 Nov, 2018:  CVA panel, Independent Think Tank (CVA members) kick-off “CVA Governance Storyline” draft.
  • 16 Nov – 31 Dec, 2018:  Implementation phase, amend CVA_AA, CoC and create new Org. Rules
  • 07 Dec, 2018:  CVA panel, Independent Think Tank (CVA members) Q&A and finalisation of “CVA Governance Storyline” 
  • 08 Dec, 2018:  Final Governance Report, publish to all members

Milestones ahead:

  • 17 – 31 Dec: CVA Members review of and input to revised governance documents (in particular CVA Articles of Assoiation and Organisational Regulations)
  • 01 – 07 Jan: Implement final changes into ​​​CVA_AA, CoC ​/ ICO CoC ​and new Org. Rules
  • 08 Jan, Publish final ​​CVA_AA, CoC ​/ ICO CoC ​and new Org. Rules (at least 20 days before AGA)

Thanks for your continued engagement and we look forward to receiving your further review and feedback.