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The concept of DAOs has been captivating to many in the crypto space for years. When “The DAO” was created in 2016, in the few weeks of its existence and despite obvious flaws, it gather tremendous momentum and amassed 14% of the entire ether supply. Since then the technology has matured and Martin and Matan argue that the time for DAOs has finally arrived.

We were joined by DAOstack Founder Matan Field and Gnosis Founder Martin Köppelmann. We talked about the decentralized exchange protocol DutchX. We also talked about how the two projects together created the dxDAO, which will manage the DutchX protocol, but could go onto its own path. A path that could even lead to being the DAO for all of DeFi.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The unifying vision behind the various Gnosis projects
  • Why Gnosis decided to build decentralized exchange protocol DutchX
  • DutchX’s usage of batch auctions to provide good prices and liquidity for any market
  • Incentivizing market makers with the Magnolia token
  • Why the DutchX needs a DAO
  • The role of Reputation in the dxDAO
  • How Reputation will be distributed
  • Why DAOs unlike companies could become more efficient as they grow
  • How the dxDAO could become the biggest organization on earth in the next 10 years
  • How one can get involved in the dxDAO

Episode links:

This episode was hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Sunny Aggarwal, and is availble on YouTube, SoundCloud, and our website.