Zug, 1 February 2018. Today the Crypto Valley Association announces that it has named Kevin Lally to the newly created post of Executive Manager of the CVA. In this full time role, Lally will oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization as it professionalizes after its period of explosive growth during 2017.

Lally, an Irish native permanently resident in Switzerland, brings a strong background in computer sciences and business management to the CVA. As a consultant Lally has successfully supported global insurance, investment banking and wealth management institutions, including Zurich Insurance, SIX Group, UBS and Julius Bär, with project management, business analysis, scrum management and requirements engineering services, and has a proven track record of communicating with and coordinating among broad stakeholder groups.

“We are very pleased to welcome Kevin Lally to the CVA,” said CVA President Oliver Bussmann. “The Board was very impressed with Kevin’s background, his qualifications, and his clear passion for supporting the blockchain ecosystem here in Switzerland. We think he will be a great asset to our Association as well as community.”

“Society has a unique and wonderful opportunity in blockchain to help solve many pressing challenges,” said Kevin Lally. “Crypto Valley has already established itself as one of the locations of choice in the blockchain and cryptographic technology industry, and the CVA as a globally recognized brand. I am very keen to support the effort to continue to grow our Association and ecosystem to cement Switzerland’s position as one of the world’s top blockchain ecosystems.”