- It’s all about the network….! #cryptovalley https://t.co/jgiUep2gBM 2019-01-06
- BlockImmo becomes first regulated real estate crowdsale platform – Crypto Valley Association @blockimmo @BankFrick… https://t.co/TEPTwSRXkn 2019-01-07
- RT @ian_simpson80: The United States has been a world leader in almost everything… But it risks losing out in the push to build a #decent… 2019-01-07
- RT @melonport: Why do most #crypto #exchanges typically avoid security tokens? What did we learn from Etherdelta? Is unfit regulation holdi… 2019-01-07
- @melonport @CryptoFinanceAG @BankFrick @validitylabs @MAMA_global For anyone interested in exchanges – feel free to… https://t.co/ihsfOvyWaW in reply to melonport 2019-01-07
- Crypto-Friendly Statesman Takes Over Swiss Presidency https://t.co/g86Xag9aeC #cryptovalley 2019-01-07
- RT @obussmann: 10 Takeaways from the #Fintech Ecosystem Playbook
#blockchain @thecryptovalley https://t.co/VVnis6… 2019-01-08 - Want to share your ideas or project with the #cryptovalley community? Apply to present at one of our events!… https://t.co/G9ceyhZPKM 2019-01-08
- Excited to announce that Tal Cohen, SVP of North Am. Equities at @Nasdaq will join the CVA's World of ExChange even… https://t.co/EbkrH1Fy0I 2019-01-08
- @GBBCouncil @sheila_warren @coindesk Very possibly! #crypto #cryptovalley in reply to GBBCouncil 2019-01-08
- We have a treasure trove of information, reports and documentation for #startups and #blockchain companies – check… https://t.co/jwhxhNTREL 2019-01-09
- @arun_enjoys You can find info here!: https://t.co/GbjSXJEFio in reply to arun_enjoys 2019-01-09
- Great discussion and presentations today in the heart of #cryptovalley Zug with the Monetary Authority of Singapore… https://t.co/ynL6paAkzu 2019-01-09
- One of the very best events in Crypto Valley! #cryptovalley https://t.co/5aE5cmNbBa 2019-01-09
- Ça marche aussi quand on achête du bitcoin dans un automate du SBB en Suisse! ???? #crypto #cryptonationswitzerland… https://t.co/a9L4bduPR9 2019-01-09
- Exchanges – a hot topic for 2019! Also the topic of our special event in Zurich on 29 Jan! #worldsofexhange … https://t.co/Mb2RgJ9B6J 2019-01-10
- Centralized, decentralized – old world, new world: join the discussion about #crypto and #DLT – based exchanges on… https://t.co/hsaVkUbq6P 2019-01-11
- RT @web3foundation: Join W3F at our Zug office for food, drinks, and brief talks from the W3F Council members after the first day of @melon… 2019-01-11
- We believe in Switzerland! #cryptovalley #cryptonation https://t.co/7GNMUBWDke 2019-01-11
- @DCGco @coindesk @BLR13 @pete_rizzo_ This really is awesome! #gocrypto in reply to DCGco 2019-01-11
- RT @Agefi_Finance: Worlds of ExChange https://t.co/yQvxoYXK9u #Finance #Business #Investissement via @thecryptovalley 2019-01-11
- Very much looking forward to this! #cryptovalley #WoE2019 https://t.co/DQwccsQAMZ 2019-01-12
- RT @ethfinexross: Very much looking forward to making the case for DEXs https://t.co/CInhVn0EVY 2019-01-12
- @casatay @DCGco Congrats! #gocrypto in reply to casatay 2019-01-12