#229 Ryan John King: FOAM – A Geospatial Proof of Location Protocol for Blockchains and Dapps

We're joined by Ryan John King, CEO of FOAM, a blockchain protocol which aims to offer secure location services independent of external centralized sources such as GPS. FOAM introduces a Proof of Location Protocol, which leverages long-range low-power radio networks, and incentive mechanisms, allowing network participants to arrive at consensus on whether an event or agent is verifiably at a particular point in time and space.

By |2018-04-04T13:52:22+02:00April 4, 2018|Syndicated Content|Comments Off on #229 Ryan John King: FOAM – A Geospatial Proof of Location Protocol for Blockchains and Dapps

#229 Ryan John King: FOAM – A Geospatial Proof of Location Protocol for Blockchains and Dapps

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By |2018-04-04T12:52:22+02:00April 4, 2018|Syndicated Content|Comments Off on #229 Ryan John King: FOAM – A Geospatial Proof of Location Protocol for Blockchains and Dapps
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