- Here's what they said during the Worlds of ExChange event last week – including Thomas Zeeb of SIX! #WoE2019… https://t.co/Vwj5YECMgk 2019-02-03
- Join us for a day of #blockchain focused on social impact – in cooperation with @hslu and @UKEmbassyBerne !… https://t.co/py8Vly9NXd 2019-02-03
- Join us on Friday for an in-depth chat on "The Future of Tokens" featuring @SCBuergel of @validitylabs @koeppelmann… https://t.co/emz2EZEBIJ 2019-02-04
- RT @swissinfo_en: The new president of the Crypto Valley Association (CVA), Daniel #Haudenschild, says months of in-fighting has damaged Sw… 2019-02-04
- RT @chain_security: ?To all scholars and industrial members who study and work in the space of #BlockchainTechnology: you still have time t… 2019-02-04
- RT @FintechCH: Crypto Valley Assoc. Pres.: Switzerland Must Be ‘Open and Easy’ for #Blockchain Investors https://t.co/p9oIRVqzoV #crypto #c… 2019-02-05
- Decentralisation is coming – slowly but surely! Great to have @ethfinexross with us last week at the Worlds of ExCh… https://t.co/aVw0Ql1J2T 2019-02-06
- Come by on Friday and join our M-1 Side Event – The Future of Tokens – with a panel dicussion featuring Sebastian B… https://t.co/rr2Kf0Em6S 2019-02-06
- Crypto Valley Assoc. Pres.: Switzerland Must Be ‘Open and Easy’ for Blockchain Investors https://t.co/vJPtFaIr0q… https://t.co/gJU8DfrBv3 2019-02-06
- Looking forward to a great day of #blockchain coming up next week – join us! @USEmbassyBern
International Blockchai… https://t.co/MIYPzNuIda 2019-02-07 - RT @melonport: If you cannot make it to Zug for #M-1, do not worry, we will be live streaming the entire event:
- RT @GreaterZurich: Join educational retreat of @validitylabs at @DavosCongress – choose between blockchain training, a hackathon on #SDGs,… 2019-02-07
- RT @ian_simpson80: SIX startet Blockchain-Börse im zweiten Halbjahr – Handelszeitung @Handelszeitung @BadertscherMarc @thecryptovalley… 2019-02-07
- RT @Swiss_EF: #SwissEF foundation board: @PascaleVonmont (@grstiftung_ch), Lukas Gähwiler (@UBSschweiz ), @RuediNoser (Ständerat FDP), Urs… 2019-02-07
- Major Swiss Stock Exchange SIX to Launch New Blockchain-Powered Digital Exchange https://t.co/Cfk6SZAuvv https://t.co/uk6UKZNZBI 2019-02-07
- RT @validitylabs: And we're getting ready for the panel on
"The Challenge of Trading Security Tokens Peer-to-Peer"
with Matthias Maurer @B… 2019-02-08 - Come join us tonight at @validitylabs for a great chat about The Future of Tokens! #cryptovalley #tokenomics https://t.co/lypkOMyzlJ 2019-02-08
- RT @ian_simpson80: Looking forward to a great conversation tonight here at @validitylabs with the @thecryptovalley meetup featuring @SCBuer… 2019-02-08
- RT @UrsBolt: "The #Blockchain community is screaming for #KYC and #identity standards."
@RuneKek, @MakerDAO at the #CryptoValley meetup i… 2019-02-08
- RT @UrsBolt: "Many #tokens don't make sense. Working towards the #WhitePaper promise but not deliver what the market wants is part of the p… 2019-02-08
- RT @UrsBolt: @validitylabs @ian_simpson80 @thecryptovalley @SCBuergel @koeppelmann @gnosisPM @RuneKek @MakerDAO Thanks for a great gatherin… 2019-02-08
- RT @validitylabs: We thank @melonport & @MAMA_global for such a content-rich #M1 – and all of you for the engaging discussions at our meetu… 2019-02-09
- RT @AndreWolke: Fantastic panel, thanks @ian_simpson80 for the organization. https://t.co/cq3kd4UFF8 2019-02-09